Plant Protein Promotes Long Life

January 12, 2021


Plant-based protein reduces risk of early death from any cause, including heart disease and cancer, according to a meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal. Comparing consumption of animal protein with plant protein in the context of mortality from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all causes among 32 studies and in over 700,000 participants, researchers found that for each additional 3% of calories from plant protein, such as legumes, grains and soybeans, the risk of dying decreases 5%. In contrast, consuming animal proteins did not lower risk of death. For longer life: replace animal protein with plant protein.

Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies: Dietary intake of total, animal and plant proteins and risk of all cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality. British Medical Journal, 2020;370:m2412-29.