Testimonies of CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program)
Here are some testimonies from participants of the CHIP program and their physicians. Go to www.chiphealth.com for more information on CHIP.
Her doctors had given up but Verna Van Nuland turned her life around with simple lifestyle changes. (7:45 min)
A testimony on the amazing CHIP program on the life of this young man and his devastating health problems. Filmed at 3ABN studios with Dr. Hans Diehl and guests. (3 min)
Dr. Greenlaw shares the story of Beverley, one of his patients who was able to reverse her diabetes and live a normal life again. (10:30 min)
CHIP on the Spot! — Host Coleen Krubl is joined by Jenny Klein to talk about raising three daughters who have a 14-year age gap in this episode of Mom Powers. As always, Mom Powers is recorded on location at the Women's Center at Ohio University!
How I Went from Being an Obese BBQ Chef to a Healthy Vegan Chef
By Jeff T., Jul 19, 2018
In 2011, I took over a small restaurant in my town and, shortly after, turned it into a BBQ joint. Over the next five years, I gained almost 150 pounds, weighing in at 348 pounds. I also developed severe joint pain and was taking 21 ibuprofen daily (4,200 milligrams). I had horrible sleep apnea, and eventually became pre-diabetic and had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I had no idea becoming a vegan chef would be in my future.
In 2016, I developed severe edema. My hands, feet, and legs were always swollen. I saw my doctor many times, and the answer was always to throw pills at me. I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory, a painkiller, and a muscle relaxer. The medications seemed to help a little, but they never fixed the issues, and the edema persisted. I even had a deep vein thrombosis scan and a couple of EKG’s. Even though I was a morbidly obese guy, I was never once talked to about my diet!
In September 2016, I began having severe gastrointestinal pain. On October 3, 2016, I was hospitalized for it. They ran many tests, gave me no answers, did not address my diet, and prescribed even more medications.
When I was released from the hospital, I had a conversation with my 68-year-old, extremely healthy, mostly plant-based mom. Her words to me were: “Don’t fill those prescriptions. Food is medicine! Do the research!”
So I did! I was unable to work, and I’m an avid research junkie, so I poured through the internet and medical journals for an anti-inflammatory diet.
Beginning Oct 5, 2016, I stopped eating beef, pork, and chicken; cut my dairy consumption by more than half; and stopped drinking soda. I added turmeric to my diet and started hydrating with lemon and lime in my water. I also limited my refined carbohydrate intake. In a little over two weeks, my edema was gone and my blood pressure stabilized into the normal range. In 100 days, I lost 80 pounds.
In February 2017, I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives and immediately stopped consuming cheese due to the casein, casomorphins, and IGF-1 in dairy. Within three weeks of ditching dairy, my lifelong struggle of daily anxiety disappeared. As I continued to research, I decided to give up eggs and fish, realizing that I had no need for these protein sources in my diet. Nor did I need the additional cholesterol!
In November 2017, I had blood work done. All numbers are normal now; actually, they are better than normal: they are now ideal. For instance, my latest Total Cholesterol number is 149, and my HDL-Cholesterol is 54. Perfect numbers! Thanks to the plant-based whole-food program.
I since have gone on to start a plant-based nutrition support group in my local community and do plant-based cooking demonstrations at my local farmers’ market. I also started a blog in order to help others and to give tips and nutrition information.
The Extraordinary Life and Character of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham
By Jeffrey Tritten
Imagine being 95 years old while still being able to mow the lawn and walk up and down flights of stairs and working as a heart surgeon. Meet Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, the centenarian cardiothoracic surgeon and apple farmer from Loma Linda, California.
Photo: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, courtesy Loma Linda University
Many people have heard of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham because he has been interviewed by National Geographic, The Dr. Oz Show, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and has appeared in documentaries about longevity because he was over 100 years old, worked as a prominent cardiothoracic surgeon until the age of 95, and was a vegan for over 50 years. He passed away in 2018 at the age of 104. His list of accomplishments includes being one of the first surgeons to perform open heart surgery in California, mentoring the heart surgeon who conducted the first baboon to human heart transplant, was the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University in California, and brought teams of heart surgeons to Vietnam, Pakistan, and other areas of the world. His many accomplishments have been documented in the Loma Linda University archives. Even with his long list of accolades and his recognition, very little has been documented about his honorable character and that is what made him an astounding individual.
Dr. Hans Diehl, the founder of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute and Clinical Professor at the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University, was an esteemed colleague and living just a few streets from Dr. Wareham. Dr. Diehl states that Dr. Wareham had an astonishing amount of humility despite his tremendous skills. He tells a story about interviewing Dr. Wareham at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine annual conference in 2015. He asked Dr. Wareham about the stress levels associated with heart surgery.
Dr. Wareham responded, “There is no stress if you know what you are doing.”
Dr. Diehl stated, “Well you must be highly skilled!”
Dr. Wareham downplayed his skill level and laughingly replied, “I could train a monkey to do the surgeries!”
Photo: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham being interviewed by Dr. Hans Diehl at the Lifestyle Medicine Conference in 2015. Photo Credit: American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Dr. Wareham’s ability to manage stress was part of what made him a great surgeon and unique individual. His son Robert recalls that his father observed a sabbath from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday with few exceptions. During their observed sabbath, the family often went on nature walks and hiked the hills around their home. This regular practice ensured an opportunity to decompress from the work week and gave him an opportunity to connect with his family.
His humility may be because he came from very humble beginnings. He was the second of 5 children from a very poor farming family. The Texas family migrated to Canada during the depression era for work and there are photos of Dr. Wareham farming barefoot. Dr. Wareham’s parents could not afford to send him to college, so he sold bibles door-to-door to pay for medical school. After completing medical school and his residency, he paid for his three brothers to attend dental school to become dentists.
His brothers were not the only people that Dr. Wareham helped. Giving to others was an important part of who he was. He personally asked medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies to donate supplies to the Loma Linda University International Heart Institute so they could perform surgeries in countries that did not have heart surgeons. In fact, he successfully secured the services of TigerAir to ship the supplies overseas at no cost and would personally load up the supplies in a rented truck and bring them to the airport for transport. Because of Dr. Wareham’s efforts, compassion for others, and philanthropic nature, people that needed open heart surgery in other countries were able to receive surgery when that may not have otherwise been possible. On top of his work with gathering medical supplies for other countries, he tithed to his church faithfully and funded organizations that he believed in. A finely skilled and highly compensated surgeon could have afforded any car that he wanted but instead drove an old station wagon for many years. He put others before himself as a rule.
Another important aspect of Dr. Wareham’s character was his work ethic. In addition to working until he was age 95, he did work at his homestead. In 1964, he purchased a home with a large apple orchard in the lush hills of Oak Glenn California that the family still owns today. He did not want his kids to just be spoiled doctors’ kids and wanted them to understand the value of hard work. During apple season, there was a tremendous amount of work planting, weeding, cultivating, and processing the apples. The entire family participated in the work surrounding the orchard including making apple cider and sorting apples. Dr. Wareham was a big part of those chores and even mowed his own lawn.
Photo: Orchard property in Oak Glen California, photo courtesy City of Oak Glen.
Dr. Wareham’s son Robert describes his father as highly principled. During World War II, Dr. Wareham served in the U.S. Navy. Part of his job was to board foreign medical ships to ensure that they were indeed medical ships and not disguised warships. During one inspection of a ship full of soldiers disguised as a medical vessel, the soldiers were arrested and their weapons, including swords, were confiscated. Dr. Wareham held onto those swords and tried to return as many of them as possible to the families of the soldiers just as a matter of principle. Robert states that his father “had a strong sense of right and wrong and always chose ethics over money.” Robert also recalls overhearing conversations that his father had with colleagues wherein Dr. Wareham was adamant about always doing the right thing. Principles and ethics drove his daily decisions and was apparent by the life he lived as a 50-year vegan, devoted to this Seventh Day Adventist faith, and the actions he took to ensure that he always did what was right by others.
A testament to Dr. Wareham’s character is his remarkable wife Barbara who stood by him for 68 years until his death, along with their children. Barbara held much responsibility for their 5 children, cared for the family home, and organized the many social events that the Wareham’s created. Barbara was also a nurse who traveled with her husband to train surgeons overseas. Their son Robert believes that Dr. Wareham would have never attained his accomplishments without Barbara. The byproduct of this amazing couple is their five, very independent and accomplished children. Their oldest son Martin is a head and neck surgeon, their son Robert is an attorney, their daughter Julie is a psychiatrist, their son John (Rusty) was in healthcare administration, and their son Brian Scott, who passed away prematurely, was an entrepreneur with a law degree. Their offspring, and the fact that Barbara stood by him for so many years are indicators of his solid character.
Dr. Ellsworth Wareham was most certainly a highly skilled and accomplished surgeon. Few surgeons have accomplished what he did in his lifetime. However, humility, ability to put other people before himself, ability to manage stress, tremendous work ethic, lifelong philanthropy, principled sense of right and wrong, and strong family connections, are what best describes the character of the person who was Ellsworth Wareham.
YouTube Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta interview of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, video courtesy CNN via the Kinder World YouTube channel.