Some comments from the facilitator of the last CHIP program in Rochester, MN (July 2019)

 "As a CHIP facilitator, I have always seen my job to bridge the gap of these valuable resources to give people hope for a healthier life. I have seen the beauty of collaborative community across various professions. It is so simple:  be willing to give and humble enough to receive. Many people were initially quite skeptical about the "Magic of CHIP" in spite of the many great stories they had heard from CHIP alumni. To overcome the initial skepticism, I brought big names from the community and across the nation to come and speak to you. These were leaders in the  Lifestyle Medicine movement. They have been my supportive giants to back me up! I am very proud to be the messenger who helped the participants to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It is now 3 months after the enrollment in CHIP. It is now graduation time. Let me thank all of you graduates for your friendship, your heartfelt kind words and even for the many funny stories and jokes--and the gorgeous bouquet of red roses."

And here are some testimonials from those CHIP participants.  They authorized the sharing  to help others understand the beauty and effectiveness of CHIP in turning common diseases around:

  • “This program really works! My weight dropped 20 lbs. and my blood sugar and lipids dropped into the normal range in just six weeks!” —JR

  • “Wow I feel great. I lost weight. I have more energy. And I'm very excited about the rest of my life in living healthy. And we thought we were healthy.” —JA

  • “It a lifestyle education that will change your life for the better.” —RV

  • “CHIP is an easy to follow program that keeps you “not hungry” and healthy and just feeling proud of yourself.” —MS

  • “In the beginning, I was very skeptical about what possibilities that the emphasis on whole food plant-based eating could offer. I now understand: the possibilities are endless. I feel so empowered to continue and to have a positive effect on others as well as on the environment and the animals.” —JK

  • “CHIP can take care of a lot of health issues that can be corrected with proper food and exercise.” —PK

  • “My husband's blood pressure came down.” —JM

  • “I became part of the CHIP community. It became part of my family as we grew together and developed a higher sense of purpose for my life.” —ML