Series 3 — Health Nuggets (continued)
Here are some more “Today’s Health Tips” from Series 3. If you wish to have the series to download for free, please send an email request to:
Are you sick and tired of diets? Learn the truth about the merchants of misery. (1:16 min)
There is no weight control while snacking. Learn why. (45 sec)
Which is better . to feed babies, cows milk or mother's milk? What’s the harm with formula? (1:15 min)
Weight control is easy once you learn this secret. (1:16 min)
What’s wrong with dairy foods? Find out in this Health Tip from Dr. Diehl. (1:15 min)
How to control your weight by eating more to lose weight. (30 sec)
What is lactose intolerance? Who does it affect? What can be done about it? (1:15 min)