Series 2 — Today’s Health Tips (continued)
Here are some more “Today’s Health Tips” from Series 2. If you wish to have the series to download, please send an email request to:
A health tip about your calorie needs and when you've had too much. (1:16 min)
How to fat-proof your kids through proper nutrition. (1:16 min)
We are a nation of grazers. Find out why. (50 sec)
What is Type 2 Diabetes and how can we beat it? Here's how. (1:16 min)
Health tip on breakfast cereals, which ones are good and which ones bad. (1 min)
The new Food Plate Guide to proper nutrition. (1:16 min)
The bigger the snacks, the bigger the slacks! (1:16 min)
Common Western killer diseases caused by the typical Western Diet. (1:16 min)
Eat More to Lose Weight? Sounds crazy but here's how you do it. (1:30 min)
How to pick out healthy breakfast cereals. (1:16 min)
How to take charge of your health and live longer! (1:15 min)